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Migration Services

Server migration is a process by which data is moved from one environment to another.  The process can be daunting due to the transfer of complex systems and is usually performed by a team of server migration specialists.

HektaByte provides a variety of cost-effective (and in some cases free) migration services, catering to the transfer of any system, from a corporate website to a multiple server distributed software application.   HektaByte’s cloud administrators are highly-experienced professionals who are familiar with the potential issues and have successfully executed many system migrations in the past.  By using HektaByte’s migration service, we can take care of the entire migration process, to or from our cloud servers, seamlessly. Your users will not notice any change in functionality – other than an improvement in performance!

How our Migration Services can benefit you

  • Your migration task is completed seamlessly and without delay, by a specialized team
  • We do everything for you, saving you time and providing peace of mind
  • Our expert team can offer you better solutions that you may not know about
  • Our service is almost certainly more cost-efficient that using your own team